It had seemed like the best solution at the time, and truth be told it probably had been. Jaylee hadn't been able to resist playing basketball (although it was against the advice of her orthopedist) and as a result had had a full-knee reconstruction at the beginning of the summer. Dwaine had to travel a lot and couldn't take care of her, so the decision was made for her to spend the summer at the farm house.
The farm house was her Papa's, and since her grandmother's death almost five years ago, Papa was enjoying having his only granddaughter at the house. Summers were the time when all the grandchildren had come "home", and this year five great-grandchildren graced the farmstead in addition to Jaylee.
Her Papa loved the laughter and noise, and Jaylee admitted it had been a much better environment in which to recuperate than a stuffy condo in the city. She loved it as much at 35 as she had at 5, 10, and 15. The farm was magic, and she knew every square inch. Her only regret was being there without Dwaine.
Late at night, when the little kids and Papa were asleep, Jaylee lay in the north bedroom watching the shadows on the wall. Some nights she wrote the long passionate letters they had exchanged whenever he had to be gone, and other nights she read, but tonight she was feeling restless. Dwaine had promised to visit every weekend, but he hadn't made it back this past weekend, and it was four more days until she would see him. It was hot, she was horny, and she needed something.
Jaylee tightened the velcro straps on her knee brace, slipped into a pair of worn Levi cutoffs, and picked up her tennis shoes. She quietly slipped out of the bedroom, looked in the middle room and saw a cluster of second cousins sleeping soundly, and made her way down the hall. As she stepped into the living room, she could feel the cool wood floor on her feet, feeling the way it had her entire life, and she went through the kitchen, grabbed a Pepsi, and crept out the back door.
Jaylee sat on the back steps, laced up her shoes, and took a deep breath of night air. She decided to go down by the pond, just to relax, and made her way down the path by moonlight. She'd walked this road a million time in her childhood, and the moonlight was almost unnecessary, because she knew every bend and every tree. After a few minutes, she found herself at the water's edge and she paused to think. Some where in the corner of her mind, she could hear Papa saying "Don't go near the water by yourself", the cardinal rule when she had been younger, but after all, she was grown now and it didn't matter.
Like a lightbulb, it came to her -- the way to quench her internal fires, and she began undressing, leaving the clothes in a pile on the bank along with the knee brace. Jaylee slippped into the cool water, feeling it on her bare skin, raising tiny goosebumps and making her nipples hard. It felt glorious, and she leaned back to float on the pond and gaze up at the moon.
She raised up out of the water near the little dock to take a drink, and grabbed one of the kids' innertubes. She had no idea how long she floated, relaxing, but by the time she was ready to go, her hands hand explored everywhere, and she plunged deep into the water to feel the coolness everywhere as she climaxed.
It was time to go, she supposed, and she wrestled with pulling on cutoffs over damp skin, and pulling a tee shirt over her head. It clung to her, showing every curve, but it didn't matter. Jaylee put on her shoes, fastened the brace and began walking up the path toward the house, the only sound being the squeak of her wet feet in the shoes and her breathing.
No lights on in the house, that was good, and meant the kids and Papa were still sleeping. Jaylee stepped in the gate, and suddenly heard a very familiar voice.
"And just where have you been young lady?"
"DWAINE! When did you get here? I am so happy to see you. I didn't think you would be here until the weekend."
"That was not an answer to my question. I arrived almost two hours ago, came into the bedroom to find you not there and everyone else in the house asleep. Where were you?"
"Ummm...I couldn't sleep and went for a walk."
"A walk. Six weeks after surgery. Not bothering to take your cane or crutches for balance. A walk."
"My knee is doing really well, honest. And I wasn't going to walk very far."
"Let's see. The last I heard you were to use the cane or the crutches *anytime* you weren't inside. And the way I figure it, walking outside in the middle of the night is not inside."
"I'm sorry. I guess I overestimated the healing. I'm not that sore, honest."
"That's only part of the issue," he said, reaching out for her and finding damp clothes and hair.
"Where have you been?"
"Okay, okay. I went down to the pond."
"And you lost your balance and fell in. That wouldn't have happened if you had been in bed where you should have been, or failing that, using your cane or crutches."
"I didn't lose my balance," Jaylee said defiantly, "my knee is fine."
"So exactly how did you get wet?"
" doesn't matter. Let's go into the house and i'll fix us a snack."
Dwaine grabbed her arm. "Not so fast young lady. It does matter."
"Okay...I went swimming. It's not a big deal."
With very little effort, he lifted her and set her down hard on a fence rail, bringing them eye to eye.
"I've been here long enough to know Papa has a rule about swimming. What is it Jaylee?"
"Not to go swimming alone. I know it wasn't the smartest thing in the world. I'm sorry."
"And what did Papa do when you didn't obey?"
Jaylee looked down and mumbled.
"What did he do?"
"I said he gave us a spanking, or maybe used a switch."
"Seems to me like that is a good thing to do to a big girl who can't seem to obey the rules."
"You can't be serious! Just drop it and we'll go up to the house."
"Not a chance, darlin'. That tail of yours is going to get warmed. Let's go."
Dwaine propelled her toward the barn, quickly turned on the single bulb suspended from the ceiling, and said a single word. "Strip."
Jaylee was in shock, but her fingers engaged and began slipping off her clothes. She worked the cutoffs down over her hips and stepped out of them and her panties at the same time, and then slipped off her shoes. With a sigh, she peeled the wet tee shirt over her head and tossed it on the floor. When she started to unbuckle the brace, he stopped her.
"No, the brace stays on. I see you don't have a swimsuit."
"So you were skinnydipping?"
"Yes sir."
He stood there, watching her almost shivering nude form standing in front of a hay bale. Wordlessly, he grabbed a stool, and motioned her over his knee.
Jaylee walked over and draped herself over his knee, hoping this would be a quick spanking, and thinking that the barn would be an interesting place to make love before they returned to the house.
Her thoughts were stopped short by the first volley of smacks on her damp bottom. She'd been told a wet bottom made it hurt worse, and this seemed to confirm it. To her it felt like she went from wet to on fire in just a few smacks.
Dwaine lectured as he spanked her, reminding her of the importance of her recuperation, that she could have reinjured her knee, that swimming alone is dangerous, and all the things that deep down she already knew. He spanked high and low, covering every square inch of her ass cheeks, and making sure they were uniformly red.
"Stand up."
Slowly she rose, and stood, rubbing her bottom and noting that it was sore already.
"That was for taking chances with that knee. Next we need to deal with your illegal swimming escapade. Here's my knife. You have 10 minutes to be back here with a suitable switch."
"Yes, little lady. I believe in upholding family traditions."
Jaylee resigned herself to that idea, and reached for her shirt.
"No! You stripped to go swimming, and so you can go find a switch without clothes."
"But what if the kids..."
"Then the kids will see that even big girls who disobey house rules get their bottoms spanked. Get moving."
Jaylee hadn't had to do this in years, but she knew which bush to a kid they called it the switch tree, and time hadn't changed it. She found a supple limb the right length, and carefully used the knife to strip it of bark and burls.
When she went back into the barn, he was waiting, and took the switch from her. He pointed at the hay bales, and directed he to bend over.
The hay was scratchy on her front side, and she could feel the stalks prickling her everywhere from her now erect nipples to the downy hair framing her privates. With no delay, he brought the switch down across her ass, leaving a welt, and before she could react he'd left a series from her upper thighs to the top of her cheeks. The sting was unbelievable, and brought her to tears immediately. She clutched the hay to keep from covering her bottom and making it worse.
At last he stopped.
"Don't move. We still need to address your not being in bed when I came home to you."
She shut her eyes tightly, afraid of what might be coming, and she felt his hand on her bottom. He lightly spanked her, but the previous damage made it feel more intense.
"Spread your legs" and she did. It was then she heard his belt coming through the loops.
"Please the belt. I am too sore."
"Be quiet. I know what my naughty girl needs."
She tensed, and then moaned when he moved close to her and plunged in deep, determined to rekindle the fire that had made her go to the pond in the first place.
As the sun came up, they collapsed against each other, and then quickly dressed when they heard the back door slam indicating Papa was ready to start his day.
Papa met them halfway between the barn and the house, noted the hay still in Jaylee's hair and Dwaine's shirt undone. Just as Jaylee and Dwaine were collapsing into bed, Papa saw the switch on the floor of the barn and smiled knowing his only granddaughter had felt its sting, and remembering her grandmother in the same position many years ago.