Jaylee locked the departmental office door, got a cold Pepsi out of the refrigerator, and settled in her chair to spend a little time chatting online before going to teach her night class. A smile crept across her face when she saw Dan was online. They'd met in a spanking chat room early in the semester, and had been flirting ever since.
What's tonight's lecture?
jaylee: Actually tonight is the review
for the final exam on Thursday night.
Dan: How long do you have?
jaylee: About 15 minutes
Dan: Can I call?
jaylee: Sure
Thirty or so seconds later her office phone rang, and they went through a class night ritual where she told him what she was wearing, and he told her to take off her panties before going to class. And, as usual she asked what would happen if she didn't do it, and as usual he told her if she didn't take them off, he would, right before he spanked her.
After a short conversation, they hung up, and she slipped off the pastel pink panties and put them in her tote bag before walking across the tree lined campus.
Two days later, Jaylee walked in the office to find a bouquet of flowers sitting on the secretary's desk, and a group of professors and graduate assistants speculating as to the sender. Jaylee slipped the card out of the small envelope and read, "Hope you believe in pop quizzes. Go read your email. Love, Dan."
Jaylee scanned through the list of incoming email until she found the one she needed to read. It said, "Make an extra copy of the exam. I'll see you tonight. Dan." Jaylee just stared at the screen in unbelief. They'd only talked about meeting, and it had always been in the future, and now he was coming here in less than 12 hours. Jaylee hit reply, and sent him a questioning email about flight schedules and other logistics, but only got an autoresponder message saying "Gone to Oklahoma. Will answer email when I return." The whole world knew he was on his way here.
She made an excuse of going to the library for research, but went home to straighten up part of the clutter. She wasn't dirty, but it was so easy for papers and books to stack up, and she wasn't the world's greatest at remembering to hang up clothes or towels. Her bed wasn't made and so there were lots of details to tend to, and then there was the whole matter of what to wear.
For practically the first time in her teaching career, she was really nervous walking into a classroom. As class time drew closer, students started filtering in, but no sign of *him*. There were a few students she hadn't seen since the midterm, and it was probably they wouldn't pass her course, but she scanned every face entering the room. She passed out exams, and as she turned to go to the front of the room, she heard the voice, "Doc, I didn't get an exam."
Jaylee turned a million shades of red as she turned around and handed him one. She felt her breathing go shallow and her heart start racing. He was really here. She sat at the table, watching him take out a fountain pen and start writing.
He would look up at her, and see her watching him, and just smile. Somewhere in the middle of the pack of students, he took his exam to the front, handed it to her, and as she glanced at it, he pocketed her car keys. When only a few students remained, she slipped his test from the bottom of the stack and started reading.
For question one, he told her he liked her eyes and smile in person, and that she was finally real to him.
For question two, he told her he was there to fulfill both their fantasies.
When she got to question six, he had written "Don't read any further until you are alone."
Unable to resist it, she turned the page and read, "I *told* you not to read until you were alone, and I *will* ask when we are alone."
Jaylee thought her slowest writers would never finish, but at last she was ready to walk out the door. Question 10 had told her to remove her panties before going out the door, and that is what she did before walking out the door of the building. Dan was parked in her little red car just outside the door, and it was obvious the car had been washed and waxed since it had left her possession. He got out to open her door, and felt to see if she had complied with question 10, and was pleased to feel she had.
After a nice dinner, they pulled into her driveway.
"Jaylee, I want you to go into the house, and in 10 minutes I am going to knock on the door. I want to be with you, but if you are unsure about living out some of your fantasies, then don't open the door, and I'll just borrow your car and pick you up for breakfast. If you open that door, you are mine."
Jaylee fumbled with the key, knowing before she opened the door to go in that in ten minutes she would open it to him.
He knocked, and she took a deep breath and let him in.
She paused a moment too long, and he turned her around in the entry hall to spank her a few times, and then she did slip the dress over her head and kick off her shoes. It felt awkward at first sitting on the couch with him, her nude and him clothed, and to feel his eyes on her.
"Let's see what kind of a professor you are. Go get my exam paper, and we'll see how many questions you get right, and you'll get spanked for everything you miss."
Jaylee lay across Dan's lap, as he looked at the exam.
"But Dan, I don't know the answers you wrote, and you didn't answer the questions I wrote..."
"You are quite right, my dear. Go get the group of papers and let me select one."
Jaylee felt his eyes on her as she made the trek across the room again sans clothes, and as she bent to pick up the stack of exam papers. She held the stack out to him, and he selected one from the middle of the pile.
"Michelle Stewart. We will use her paper. You get 20 swats for every item she misses. Grade her paper now."
Jaylee started to argue, "But that isn't fair, Michelle has missed over half the classes. I haven't seen her in weeks until tonight. Besides, I can't grade an essay exam that quickly. There's a whole process, I grade each item one at a time, and do number one for all students, and then number two for all students..."
Jaylee's voice trailed off as he gave her five sharp smacks and seated her abruptly. Jaylee was aware of the wooden seat on her stinging backside, and she quickly began grading. It was actually fairly easy, as Michelle had given incorrect answers or not answered at all each of the 10 items. It was just her luck to have a "0" point paper.
"Ten questions, 10 swats each. This is going to be a fun evening. First 10, over my lap with my hand."
Jaylee quickly lay over his lap, hungry to get started, hungry to feel a real spanking for the first time with this man who did so turn her on. Dan laid his warm hand with manicured nails on her backside, and slowly scattered 10 swats across both cheeks, covering them until it was a nice rosy pink. The soft, slow, sensual spanking made Jaylee wetter and wetter, and she wanted so much more. Dan knew it but wanted to make her wait."
"Question 2, bent over the ottoman with my hand."
"Question 3, bent over the couch with a ruler."
"Question 4, bent over the desk with a paddle."
"Question 5, bent over the kitchen table with a wooden spoon."
"Half way there, my dear."
Jaylee's bottom was on fire, and the fire inside her was building. They had talked a million times about him taking her from behind as she bent over her messy desk at the office, and had talked about him tying her to the bedframe. She needed him, and she needed him now, but she had more punishment before the pleasure.
Dan led her to the bathroom, turned on the hot water, and had Jaylee get on her hands and knees in the tub. He took the sponge from the side of the tub, and soaped her all over, paying special attention to the area between her legs and her bottom cheeks. He lay a hot washcloth on her ass, and then quickly removed it.
"Question 6, in the bath on wet cheeks with my hand."
Those 10 had a different sting. The wetness seemed to accentuate the impact of his hand, and as soon as he had finished that set, he dried her off with a fluffy white towel.
"Question 7, get into the bedroom, bend over the end of the bed, and you'll get10 with my belt."
"Question 8, put pillows in the middle of the bed and lay over them. Ten with the paddle."
"Question 9. Same position, ten with the belt."
Jaylee was near climax from the spankings and orders she was getting. She loved being told what to do, and to feel him take control and spank her.
"Question 10. Go out and bring me a switch from the backyard. You have 10 minutes."
With insides quivering, Jaylee practically sprinted to the backyard, hoping it was much too late for her neighbors to be out, and got a switch to present him. It took most of the time to rid the switch of bark and burls. She was sore, red, and felt raw.
Dan used the switch, but gave her bottom a break and landed ten strokes on the backs of her thighs, causing her to squeal and squirm.
"And now for the bonus question...."
"But there was no bonus question on my exam..."
"For you there is, and it is what you've been wanting for hours."
He bent her over the bed again, started exploring her with his fingers, and paused only to strip himself to enter her.
As they went to bed to actually sleep much, much later, he whispered, "And tomorrow, my dear, we will need to discuss the four parking tickets I found in your car when I was cleaning it..."
Jaylee was smiling in the dark as she drifted off to sleep on her stomach. Getting email had never been so exciting.