All Dwaine wanted as he flipped through the day's mail was the current issue of a couple of different sports magazines. It was his intention to spend the evening in his recliner with the remote control. After a long day on the road, relaxing with a big glass of iced tea, a magazine, and ESPN seemed like just the ticket.
He first noticed the absence of magazines, and had to chuckle. Since Jaylee had discovered fantasy football, she devoured the periodicals, consumed statistics, and planned her strategies. Sure enough, when he went to the computer, there they were. He reached over and grabbed one, and two very thin envelopes fluttered to the floor.
Before he retrieved them, he knew what they were overdraft notices. It was almost inconceivable the girl who balanced her checkbook to the penny but yet there they were, two thin envelopes. And so he debated how to handle it, and decided to wait a bit.
In a little while, Jaylee came bouncing in the living room with a printout of her fantasy football team. "I know it's only two weeks into the season, but so far I'm 2-0, and leading the league. That'll show them that a 'girl' can too play."
Dwaine chuckled, and agreed. The 'boys' at her office didn't know it, but they were up against a pro. They would probably never guess that the same woman who could look like a million dollars in a Talbots suit and heels had spent one whole summer learning to punt barefooted.
She snuggled into his lap, and together they watched the opening ceremonies of the Olympics. At some point during the Parade of Nations, he slipped the envelopes out of the magazine.
"Know what these are?"
Jaylee nodded and turned several shades of red. "Yes sir."
"We've never had this problem before. You've always been very responsible with money and credit cards, and all kinds of financial stuff. So what happened?"
"It's not that big a deal. Just forget it and it won't happen again."
"Uh-huh. As I said, what happened?"
"Spit it out Little One. You know I'll found out anyway."
"It's like this. I got a check for travel reimbursement, and entered it into the check register, and then wrote some checks, but forgot to make the deposit. I just kept putting it off, and then totally forgot."
"So basically, it isn't an issue of fiscal irresponsibility, it's a matter of paying attention and procrastination."
Jaylee buried her head into his chest and nodded. "I didn't mean for it to happen, honest."
"I'm not as upset about the fact you overdrafted, although I'm not thrilled about that, as I am over your procrastinating and not paying attention. This time it just so happens it was your bank account, but not paying attention gets you in trouble all the time."
"So am I going to get punished?"
"What do you think Little One? Don't you always get punished when you do things you shouldn't?"
"I'll give you a choice. We can do it now or after the opening ceremonies. Either way, you're going to get a spanking. If you put it off, you'll get five extra swats with the big paddle."
Jaylee debated. She really wanted to see the lighting of the flame and if she got spanked now, she'd have to go to bed immediately. At the same time, if she waited, she'd have to deal with the big paddle, and that prospect wasn't too exciting.
"Time's up. What'll it be?" he asked, knowing exactly what her debate had been.
"I guess now...."
"Okay, go get changed for bed and come back in here. You have five minutes."
Sure enough, within five minutes she came back into the living room, looking like a scared eight year old, wearing flannel boxers and a fresh from the laundry bleach-scented white tee shirt. At his signal, she lay across his lap, and felt the boxers drop to the floor.
He adjusted her position, resting one hand on the small of her back, and the other on the bottom cheeks he had just bared.
"You know this is deserved, young lady. Inattention can get you hurt or someone else hurt. Maybe getting your bottom warmed again will help you remember."
And with that he began bringing his hand down on her cheeks in a rapid-fire, no-nonsense manner. Sometimes she hated these spankings worse than ones with a paddle or strap. It wasn't that they hurt more (or even less), but when she was over his knee feeling his palm on her backside, she felt so little and vulnerable. Handspankings were more personal and less business-like, or at least something like that.
Her bottom was on fire, and the spanks were coming so fast and hard that the drone of the television was masked, and then he stopped.
"Okay Little One, go get the paddle. You can leave your boxers where they are."
"I said you'd get EXTRA if you waited, not that I wouldn't use the paddle at all. Now scoot."
Truth be told, the chance to get some cool air on her bottom actually felt good. She went to his bedroom, opened the bottom drawer, and got out the big paddle. Other things were in that drawer, a strap, a little paddle, and a hairbrush, but for now it was the big paddle he wanted. She paused and looked in the mirror, the reflection confirming what she already knew she had a very red bottom, and even one or two distinctive handprints on the tops of her thighs from when she had tried to get up.
Upon her return to the living room, Dwaine took the paddle from her, and bent her over the back of the couch. The back was just high enough that it lifted her off the ground just a tad, and as a result made it impossible for her to effectively clench her cheeks.
It sounded like a gunshot, and she jumped when the first swat fell, and involuntarily started kicking her feet. Five more swats later, he laid the paddle down and scooped her into his arms.
"Think you'll get that check deposited Monday morning?"
With sniffles, she squeaked, "yes sir."
"If you're sure, why don't I make some popcorn and you can stay up for the rest of the opening."
Her head shot up. "Really? I don't have to go to bed now?"
Ten minute later, she felt safe, secure, and definitely more attentive as she munched popcorn and finally found a fairly comfortable position sitting in Dwaine's lap. It was at that moment she remembered another check that hadn't been deposited and made a mental note to avoid any more thin envelopes.