PROLOGUE October is Fire Safety Awareness Month, and this story is a public service announcement and also the result of my carelessness.
Jaylee did the math in her head as she drove along. With every mile marker, she calculated how many more it would be until she got home. 10, 9, 8,7,6,5,4,3,2, and then her exit, her street, and her driveway. She saw his pickup in the driveway and smiled.
Dwaine knew she'd not been happy about leaving town on a moment's notice, and if he knew her it would be a miracle if she managed to be gone for three days on the road with no tickets. Maybe, though, the last spanking and the month-long driving restriction, had taught her a lesson about paying attention when she drove.
He had a pot of chili cooking when she walked in, and immediately bounced into his arms. It felt good, really good, to be safely tucked in his arms. The last three days had been difficult at best, and she was so glad to be home, and even more glad to be safe and secure in a world she understood.
They ate dinner, and she unwound from the trip. Dwaine told her he had a surprise for her, since she'd managed to be out on the road with no tickets, and he produced a new fuzzy teddy bear. Jaylee collected bears of all kinds, and loved it when he brought her one.
"Now, my girl, you have a new bear, are probably more tired than you will admit, and you need to get ready for bed."
"Nooooo...I don't want to go...."
"You have five minutes to have those clothes off and be soaking in the tub, or you can get spanked and then get in the tub."
Jaylee put up a token argument and headed to the bathroom. She let the tub fill, put in some bubble bath, and slipped into the hot water. It did feel good.
Dwaine slipped into the bedroom to turn down the bed. He'd tuck her in before he left. As he pulled back the covers, he felt warmth. Two seconds later he realized the heating pad was on and had been for at least three days. What was he going to do with her? Fire hazard, dangerous, all those things...he'd warned her over and over about leaving things plugged in and on, and she seemed to have a particular weakness for heat related things curling irons, heating pads, irons, even the oven once.
Jaylee stepped out of the tub and was drying off with a fluffy white towel, when she saw it. Dwaine saw her horrified look as he stepped into the bathroom with the full intent of spanking a wet bottom followed her gaze, and saw a shattered glass votive holder. It didn't take a rocket scientist to know she'd also left town with a candle burning. Thankfully it was sitting on a tile counter, and hadn't started a fire.
"I know, I was an accident honest. I didn't mean to do it..." The words came tumbling out of her mouth fast and furious, even though she knew deep down it probably wouldn't make much difference.
Dwaine didn't say a word, just pulled her into the bedroom, grabbing the paddle from the dresser. He didn't waste any time getting her over his knee, putting the paddle to good use on still damp skin. Red splotches from the paddle soon replaced the redness from the hot water. Jaylee's legs kicked, she squirmed, and tried to get off his lap, only to be held down in place with his forearm.
"I decide when you've had enough missy, and those buns are going to be toasted. You know how I feel about you're leaving candles burning, you know the risk."
And he resumed his work until he though she had been sufficiently paddled.
Dwaine gave her a quick hug, and told her to go to the corner. That was unusual. Usually when he was through, he was through. Out of the corner of her eye she saw him get out the strap.
"But Dwaine...."
"Come here, young lady."
Jaylee stood in front of him, wishing she at least had on a robe, but knowing that wasn't an option.
"I was going to tuck you in, and was arranging the bed. Do you know what I found?"
" my flashlight and a couple of books?"
"No, although that does suggest you've been getting creative with the lights out mandate. I found your heating pad on."
"Uh-oh is right. That entire lecture I just gave you about fire hazards with the candle? Repeat it in your head with heating pad inserted while you bend over the edge of the bed."
Jaylee assumed the position over the end of the bed, her already sore bottom dreading feeling the fiery licks from the leather strap.
Five licks later, he helped her into a clean tee shirt and eased on her boxers. She was tired, and did need to get some sleep.
"Into bed you go Little One. "
Even though she winced when her bottom made contact with the bed, she curled up and waited for him to pull the covers up to her chin and kiss her goodnight.
"'Night Dwaine."
He kissed her again, promising to call her early in the morning as an alarm clock, and as he left, he checked for any burning candles or other fire hazards.