After some stern words regarding the importance of taking medication properly and on schedule, the ER doctor signed the release papers, and she was free to go. This was the third trip in the past 10 days, just because her asthma was not in control. Sure, some of it was the changing seasons, but a big part was a reluctance to take responsibility and follow schedules -- all things she knew but couldn't seem to implement.
He came to pick her up, as he had done on several occasions, and they rode home in the early afternoon with little comment.
"Are you mad at me?" she finally asked.
"Mad, no. Disappointed, yes. Darlin' I care about you, and when you don't do your part to take care of yourself I get frustrated. But, we'll discuss this later."
"Later when?"
"After lunch, and after your nap."
"A nap? You've got to be kidding! I'm too old for naps. Besides I've done nothing but rest at the hospital."
"Young lady, don't try me. You're not too old for naps, and the way you're headed you aren't too old for other things that are usually reserved for little girls."
She looked out the window, almost, but not quite pouting. A nap? All she wanted to do was maybe have some ice cream and read. It wasn't fair. She was feeling much better, after all.
"Here we are, little one. You have five minutes to get a drink, and get into bed for a nap."
"I'm not tired...don't need a nap."
"Upstairs. Now."
She climbed the stairs and fifteen minutes later he found her sitting in a window seat getting ready to get online using her laptop, the phone cord stretched across the room.
In two strides, he crossed the room, pressed cancel, and took the machine out of her hands to shut it down properly. That done, he sat on the bed and motioned her to stand in front of him.
"What did I tell you to do? I don't remember getting on the computer being an option."
"I was just checking email and unwinding a little...." her voice trailed off.
With his hands on her face, forcing her to look in his eyes, he said, "I told you to take a nap. I didn't mean come upstairs and play. I meant for you to get in this bed, rest, and take care of yourself."
"I know, but.."
"The only butt in this room is the one that is getting ready for a spanking and then a nap."
In an instant, her cut-off denim shorts were down around her ankles, the tee shirt high on her back, and he was positioning her across his knee. She was squirming, and a sharp slap to the backs of her legs stopped that in an instant.
"Missy, you will be spanked, you will take a nap, and then after your nap and dinner, we will be discussing what caused you to make yet another trip to the ER. I would encourage you to cooperate before things get worse."
And with that, the spanks began on her blue panties, slow steady, but getting firmer and firmer.
"Am I getting through to you? When I tell you do something I expect you to do it, and do it then, not when you get around to it, but when I tell you. Is that clear?"
She paused a bit too long before answering, and the panties quickly found themselves around her knees, and hard spanks from experienced hands coming down on her bare bottom. It was already a nice rosy shade, and starting to get warm. She kicked a bit, and the shorts slipped off and on to the floor, but he kept on spanking, harder and faster, until she started acknowledging it hurt, and hurt a lot.
With a final flurry to a red bottom and a few swats on relatively untouched thighs, he stopped, and began rubbing her for a few blissful minutes.
"Up you go missy. Five minutes in the corner, tee shirt up and panties down so I can see that red bottom, and then to bed you go. Move."
She walked slowly to the corner, hating every step, and knowing he was watching her and her bottom. She could hear motion behind her, but knew from past experience that turning around to look would not be a good idea. After what seemed like forever, the timer rang, and he came to the corner.
"Pull up your panties, and you can let your shirt down."
He didn't have to ask twice, and shortly she was in his arms for a bit of consoling as he guided her to the bed, which he'd turned down while she was in the corner.
"Into bed you go. I expect you to rest and get some sleep. Then after dinner we'll deal with everything else."
There was something about being put into bed wearing only a tee shirt, panties, and white athletic socks that reminded her of being in kindergarten, but after the spanking and the morning at the hospital she really was kind of tired...
When he looked in about 10 minutes later, his little one had the most peaceful look on her face when she was sleeping. As he walked down the hall to do some work, he thought about what he needed to do after dinner...and what he wanted to do after the difficult part was over.
Two hours later, he softly walked in the room to wake her.
"It's an hour before dinner. You may get up and read or get on the computer, but you have to stay quiet and stay inside."
"Yes sir"
When she clamored down the stairs a little later, she saw one of her favorite dinners on the table, and joined him for a great meal, including dessert. After the table was cleared, and the dishes were in the dishwasher, there was a bit of awkward silence. Both knew what was coming, but not exactly when.
"I think it is time for you to go take a bath, get dressed for bed, and come find me in the study."
She looked down, decided not to argue, and just answered "Yes sir," as she walked out of the kitchen and back up the stairs.
She walked into the bathroom, peeled off her clothes, and started the hot water with a heavy dose of bubbles and bath oil. Slipping into the bubbles, she found herself relaxing, taking the bath sponge to wash all over...washing her face, neck, letting the hot soapy water glide over her shoulders and arms. As she started working lather into her smallish, but definitely feminine breasts, she became aware of being aroused, and she ran the sponge further down, across the flat of her stomach. With a gentle motion, she released the sponge, and let her fingers slip under the water, and into more intimate territory.
She became lost in the feeling of pleasuring herself, eyes closed, one hand massaging her breasts, perking up the nipples, and the other working in and out of her, bringing her closer to orgasm. She was so wrapped up in the moment, she didn't realize he had come upstairs to check on her progress, and stood silently in the hall watching her, his own hand keenly aware of his own arousal. Just as she climaxed, he slipped away, knowing his own needs would ultimately be met later that evening...after a naughty girl was dealt with.
The bubbles began to dissipate, and she reluctantly began draining the tub, and then drying off with a large, white fluffy bath towel. Face and hair first, and then one leg after the other, slowly working her way up. Tossing the towel on the floor in a heap with her clothes (something that would garner attention at a later point) she pulled out a fresh tee shirt and boxers for bed, took a deep breath and started down the stairs.
"Come on in, and have a seat while you can. I need to finish up this letter and then we will talk about your behavior."
She sat, nervously, on the chocolate brown leather couch, watching him...the feeling of butterflies in her stomach growing with each passing moment.
"Ok young lady, let me get this straight. We both know your asthma has been problematic, and yet you seem to persist in self-destructive behavior. You skip meals, you skip meds, and when you do take them, you take them late or forget to take them with food. And if that isn't enough, this latest trip to the ER was because you were out running around and forgot your inhaler. Does that pretty much sum it up?"
"Yes sir...I know I need to do better. I just wasn't paying attention."
"I'll be getting to your attention in a few minutes. I want you to think about how much trouble you are in and how much you have caused. I have to take off work to come retrieve you from the hospital, tomorrow we'll have to go get your car, all because you can't act grown up and responsible and take care of your health. If you are going to act like a child, I think perhaps a childish punishment is in order. What do you think?"
"I'll be good and do better, I promise."
"There's no doubt about that. I think the best thing for you to do is to drop those boxers and get your naughty little bottom across my lap for a warm-up spanking."
She quietly got up, and did as requested, knowing he could see her most private places as she lowered the boxers, stepped out of them, and bent over his lap. The couch provided support for her, and was relatively comfortable given the fact that her backside would soon be blazing. And, on one level, the smell of the leather was so erotic to her...a thought that would be going away momentarily. She could feel the texture of his jeans against her bare stomach where the shirt had ridden up, and the smoothness of the leather where her head lay, and the feel of his hand resting on her bottom before he started spanking.
He lectured and spanked, and scolded, and spanked. A million or so times, his hands came down on her bottom, quickly turning it a cherry red. He paused periodically to check the quality of his work, and was always satisfied. He scolded some more, let his hand drift between her legs, and smiled in spite of the serious tone to note that she was getting aroused, and she was embarrassed that he knew.
It was bad enough being punished like a little girl, having to have her bottom bared, and him spank her, but for him to know that even though it was punishment and she regretted her actions, there was a part of her that found it arousing. Even though this was very different than the playful spankings he gave her within the confines of the bedroom, when she acted like a naughty girl, it was still arousing, and she was aware of becoming wet, even more so at his touch.
A last surge, swats raining down everywhere had her wiggling and squirming and trying to get away, just to feel him hold her tighter and spank harder.
"Looks like my little one still hasn't learned her lesson. No fear, you didn't really think you'd get by with just a hand spanking did you?"
"I HAVE learned my lesson! I promise!"
"I think you have a bit more learning to do. I am going to go upstairs to get my strap and hairbrush. When I come back, I want to see you stripped completely, and bent over my desk reaching for the other side."
And without another word he left the room. She rubbed her already sore bottom, and pulled off here shirt, feeling cool air of the room all over her body -- but not cool enough to soothe her backside. Slowly she walked to the desk, and leaned over. He'd taken the time to clear it, and as she reached across, the cool wood pressed against her stomach, and her nipples immediately hardened from a combination of nerves and arousal. This was new. He was being formal...and definitely meant business.
She looked when he came in the room, and saw he was carrying three things. An oak hairbrush with a broad back, the strap, and her terry bathrobe.
He smiled to see her compliant and bent over the desk, bottom in the air, waiting on him. Without a word, he cracked the brush down on that bottom with sharp report, and matching redder oval on one cheek. As was custom, he placed one hand on the small of her back as he paddled the upturned cheeks in rapid strokes, very much aware of how it was hurting her from the soft protests and wiggles. Just as he landed the final stroke of the hairbrush, the doorbell rang, it's chime echoing through the study.
As he walked to the study door, he said, "We're almost done. Bend over the arm of the couch and think about how the strap is going to feel in a few minutes."
Her bottom was already sore, on fire, and she was unsure of how much more she could take from him, but was determined to finish this punishment and move on to better behavior.
And so, she bent over the leather arm of the couch, aware she was becoming more aroused and hoping the evening would end on a happier note. Voices in the hallway, she was aware he was talking to someone inside the house, and here she was bent over a couch, totally nude with strangers in the house. With minimal debate, she got up and slipped on the robe, just as he walked back in the room.
"Were you told to get up and get dressed?"
"No sir," she replied softly, looking down, "but I heard people in the house."
"I was going to tell you to get into your robe, and go upstairs so we could finish this later while I take care of some business...but since you can't follow directions I can see we need to take care of this immediately. Get back over the couch while I explain to my colleague I have some personal business to attend to before we can finish notes for the project."
"No arguments, get over the couch, and put the hassock between your feet." And he walked out the door.
She could hear deep tones and a small laugh of understanding, and then he came back in and shut the door.
"Please...I've never been spanked in front of people before...please wait until later..."
"You're not going to be spanked in front of anyone but me now, unless you would like me to invite him in to watch. As it stands, he just knows that a certain young lady's bottom is getting ready to get strapped, and the way I see it, if it is embarrassing to you for him to know you are being punished, it might serve as a better deterrent."
Already crying softly, she just nodded, knowing better than to argue. He made sure the hassock was between her feet, making them remain spread apart a little more than shoulder width, and removing all modesty. With her bent over, legs spread, he could see the pink lips lightly framed in blonde hair, and could tell that she was wet.
He lay he strap across her bottom, letting her feel the weight, and then drew back and let it fly through the air. She jumped and shrieked with its impact, but vowed to stay in position. The strap came down on her bottom, some licks catching the underside, and a few going across her thighs, and he seemed to know how to make it wrap around just enough for her to feel a substantial sting on her private places.
With three final swats, he finished, and began rubbing her bottom, drawing some of the heat out. She was still bent, and he easily slid a finger inside her and began massaging her, as she moaned appreciatively.
"Time for that a little later my dear," he said as he helped her to her feet. "I do have to finish some business. Get dressed in your boxers and tee shirt."
The shirt was fine, but she didn't really want anything touching her bottom. Even so, she pulled on the boxers, thankful they were a soft knit. He took her by the hand, and led her the door of the study. As they opened the door, it was obvious his guest had been aroused by the sounds of her being soundly spanked. She did not want to make eye contact, but immediately saw it was a colleague who knew her well.
"Get in a little trouble today, huh?," the man said, rising from his seat in the living room.
"Yes," she replied shyly, hardly looking up.
"That's a little rude, darling. Turn around and let me show him what happens to naughty girls in this house."
Before she could act, he turned her around and gently pulled the boxers away so his guest could see the very red cheeks of her bottom.
With a nervous laugh, the man said, "Looks like things are back under control to me."
And with that she was given a light swat to the bottom, and sent to the bedroom for the second time of the day. Only from the gleam in his eyes when he kissed her forehead, she was certain the next time she was bent over, it would end in a mind-shuddering orgasm and all would be right with the least until he found the wet towels strewn in the bathroom. That would probably let her get wakened to a fun spanking the next morning.